ALT-Tab: Microsoft® feature or developer nightmare? | Author: Ryan J. Mills
Date: May, 2, 2001 Email: |
Since the beginning of the Windows operating system, at least from the release of Windows 95 (Win95) shell, there have been many bugs found and fixed with the different variants of the OS. One of the most troublesome, and in my opinion one of the most trying, has been the ALT-Tab bug.
Now if you don't know what bug I'm talking about, let me explain. I assume that you know about the Windows functionality that allows a user to use the key combination of ALT-Tab to switch between active applications running on the system. When this functionality is triggered you generally see a small window appear in the middle of your screen showing the application icons of all the applications that are currently running, allowing you to select the application you want to become active.
The ALT-Tab functionality starts out working exactly as you would expect but when you've selected your desired application and you release the ALT-Tab key combination your chosen application becomes active but for some reason the application you were in is still on top. It's no longer the active application but it's still on top of the application that is active!
As far as I can tell, this bug first appeared in the original release of Win95 or to be more specific the Win95 Shell. The Shell is the basic environment that allows Win95, and every version of the operating system since then, to do its magic. The Shell is also responsible for how the OS looks by controlling the painting of controls and system objects within the environment. With the release of the Win95 Shell, Microsoft® (MS) created a whole new set of window styles and added other features to make its OS look new and very fancy.
For those of you who aren't into low-level API programming, a window style is how the OS decides how a window should look and behave. There are two different types of window styles; the original window styles could be found in the all versions of the Windows operating system before Win95. Then there are the extended window styles, which were first introduced with Win95 to introduce extended functionality to the OS. You can tell that the API constant WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW is an extended window style because of the "EX" in the name. This particular window style, according to the Microsoft® Win32® API help file, was created to allow programmers to:
"Create a tool window, which is a window intended to be used as a floating toolbar. A tool window has a title bar that is shorter than a normal title bar, and the window title is drawn using a smaller font. A tool window does not appear in the task bar or in the window that appears when the user presses ALT-TAB"As can be seen, MS fully intended this window style to bypass the standard ALT-Tab functionality. As a result of this new window style we now have those lovely floating toolbar windows that can be found in most MS applications.
Except that if you look at the floating toolbar windows found in most MS applications they don't look exactly like the toolbar windows that most development environments like Delphi, VB or even MSVC/C++ create. There is a very good reason for this and that reason is that a window that has the extended window style WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW causes the dreaded ALT-Tab bug!
To see this behavior take your favorite development language, mine is Borland's Delphi, and create a simple application with two windows in it. Now each IDE will be different but in Delphi there is a property for all windows called BorderStyle. If you set the BorderStyle of the second window to be bsToolWindow or even bsSizeToolWin you can demonstrate, with amazing results, the dreaded ALT-Tab bug. Execute the application, making sure that both windows are visible at runtime. Select the second window, also make sure that there is a second application running in the background so that you can ALT-Tab to it, press the ALT-Tab keys once.
You should now be able to do stuff in your second application but the test program you just wrote should be still on top, deactivated but on top! If you return to your test program and make the main form of your application focused and then try the ALT-Tab sequence again you should find that your application should behave normally and disappear to the background.
I can hear you now, "so just don't use windows that have that extended window style". Well that would be the nice simple solution, wouldn't it? Unfortunately that pesky window style gets used a lot, by things like hint windows. Which brings me to my second problem.
Hint windows, those wonderful little yellow boxes that provide us with so much, yet so little, information about things. Most hint windows do use that extended window style just for the reasons mentioned in the Window API help manual. If the hint window class you're using is constructed properly then it won't be a problem, but if it's not then you can once again suffer from the ALT-Tab bug.
Even MS themselves suffer from it, although you won't be able to find it in many of their applications these days. What you should be looking for are the hints that get displayed on the MS treeview common control. This class is defined in the ComCtl32.DLL library and is found on every single computer running at least Win95 or higher.
This bug is slightly harder to trigger than the last one, but once you have it figured out it's amazingly simple and very annoying. To get this one to happen requires another application with at least three windows. The main window in this application is irrelevant but necessary. The main focus to this demonstration is the two child windows, both of which must have a treeview control and one of them must also be a stay on top window. Arrange the windows in any fashion you want, set focus to the child window that is not stay on top and leave the mouse pointer over one of the child windows. Trigger the ALT-Tab and watch the behavior.
Depending on where the mouse pointer is when the ALT-Tab is triggered you will notice different behavior. If it is over one of the treeviews on a child window then the entire application will stay on top. If it is on a client or non-client area of a child window then just that window will stay on top. If the mouse pointer is not in one of the child windows then the bug never surfaces.
The treeview control and a window with the ability to stay on top are the main triggers for this one. A colleague of mine was finally able to trace this one back to a hint window that the treeview creates. There is a property of treeviews that allows it to display a hint if a treenodes label is off the right hand side of the control.
Moving the mouse over the node shows the hint allowing the node's full caption to be displayed. If a treeview is created with that property shut off then this bug never appears. If that property is turned on after the control has been created then the bug also never appears. Although if the property is turned on before a window handle has been assigned to the control then the bug does appear to return.
There is a work around for this treeview bug that I've come up with. The fix itself is not that hard but it requires creating a new TTreeview descendant and manually implementing the treeview's hint control. Once that is done the ALT-Tab doesn't appear and the application seems to work normally.
This ALT-Tab bug has appeared in a number of commercial applications that use the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW window style and even in applications that don't specifically use it. For a long time my colleagues and I couldn't figure out what was actually causing it. Now that it appears that we've solved the non-obvious reason for the bug, I felt that it was necessary for me to bring it to light and let others know about it. I hope this paper has actually provided you with some insight and knowledge that is useful.
For those of you who are not big in to developing VCL components, I've
built a "ToolWindow" replacement and a TreeView like descendant that has
had it's hint window fixed. You can find the TrmToolWinForm and the
TrmPathTreeView in version 1.70 of the rmControl library. The rmControl
library is a freeware (with source) library of controls and components
that I've built up over the last couple of years. You can find the
library on the following sites: DSP,
Torrys, Delphi32
and CodeCentral.